About Us
The Highland Lighthouse is owned by the National Park Service as part of Cape Cod National Seashore, and is located in North Truro, Massachusetts. Guided tours and the Highland Light Museum Store are operated by Eastern National, a not-for-profit partner of the National Park Service. The United States Coast Guard operates the light itself.

Eastern National

Eastern National operates educational bookstores and museum shops in over 160 national parks, and partners with other public trusts including the U.S. Forest Service, Army Corps of Engineers, and state park systems. Since its founding in 1947, Eastern National has donated over $142 million to the National Park Service in the form of direct donations and grants. To learn more about Eastern National, please visit our corporate website, accessible here. 
Eastern National has been a proud partner of Cape Cod National Seashore since 1963.

Proceeds from Highland Light Operations
Eastern National's mission is "to promote the public's understanding and support of America's national parks and other public trust partners by providing quality educational experiences, products, and services". As a not-for-profit partner of the National Park Service, all proceeds from the museum store and guided tours are donated to Cape Cod National Seashore to preserve, protect and maintain the historic Highland Lighthouse, and to support educational and interpretive programs.